Concluding the main project activities
After lot of hard work, the CoPs EU project ended 31 of August 2021. The project mangers from the 3 partners closed the project at the...
Concluding the main project activities
CoPs is now being tested in the fields
One step closer towards online pesticide monitoring
CoPs is tested in Norway
Testing of CoPs is attracting attendition
New test site in Norway
CoPs Project featuring in «Reserch eu #102» Magazine.
CoPs' review on the recent development of sensor technology is published
CoPs - Lab days
CoPs CautusWeb
CoPs R&D results published in an open access journal
Testing the sensing unit
CoPs data logger
Nitrate sensor field Demo
A glimpse of one of our different activities to finalize CoPs
Coaching offer from H2020 Fast Track to Innovation
Why pesticide sensors are needed
Learn more about CoPs at the Silicon Valley